I’m supporting Constructing Hope in their #leveltheplayingfield campaign

to raise money and awareness for a program that makes more impact per dollar than any other I’m aware of!

Please donate or get involved by going to their website https://www.constructinghope.org/leveling-the-playing-field/ and then take a picture of yourself, your family, your dog—whatever—holding a level and create your own post, just like I’m doing. Believe me, it makes a difference. #LTPFphotochallenge #levelingtheplayingfield #constructinghope #inittogether

I’m helping Constructing Hope with raising funds again this year.

I hope you will, too. I can’t think of an organization where our dollars help the community more, helping people make the most out of a second chance.

The video is a KGW piece that I interviewed for on Sunday.

See video HERE.


Yep…what SHE said. Great conversation—great lady!

Shannon Monihan is with Dave Dahl and David Bentley.

“Delighted to have been David Dahl’s [aka Killer Dave]first guest on his podcast Against the Grain. David has always had my back on social media, during what has been a curious few years, here in Portland, Oregon. Political landscape aside, this conversation is centric around JOY.In our conversation, David and I discuss what it’s like to dream something up and actually bring it to fruition. We also touch on what it takes to pick yourself up, and maintain a positive attitude, after you’ve been knocked down. I’m always amazed at the inspiring people I have met in my career. I have had a long and robust one. I enjoy working and as Dave and I discuss, it’s important to not relying on others and there is satisfaction, in doing things on your own.You’ll find his, and my podcast Red Frog: Stop Listen Shoot on @talkcastpdx.” – Shannon Monihan


First “Against The Grain” episode in the books.

Amazing guest, Shannon Monihan of Red Frog Team and much more. Easy to interview…could’ve gone for hours cuz she’s got plenty to say. I’ll be posting the final product soon. Wednesday, we are doing the Sheila Hamilton interview—this will be another great one. I’m excited and hopeful that this show will be a difference maker.