and we’re spending it with Jefferson and Katie and friends at Trailblazers playoff game 3 with the Nuggets. Go Blazers—we need this one!

“Delighted to have been David Dahl’s [aka Killer Dave]first guest on his podcast Against the Grain. David has always had my back on social media, during what has been a curious few years, here in Portland, Oregon. Political landscape aside, this conversation is centric around JOY.In our conversation, David and I discuss what it’s like to dream something up and actually bring it to fruition. We also touch on what it takes to pick yourself up, and maintain a positive attitude, after you’ve been knocked down. I’m always amazed at the inspiring people I have met in my career. I have had a long and robust one. I enjoy working and as Dave and I discuss, it’s important to not relying on others and there is satisfaction, in doing things on your own.You’ll find his, and my podcast Red Frog: Stop Listen Shoot on @talkcastpdx.” – Shannon Monihan
Amazing guest, Shannon Monihan of Red Frog Team and much more. Easy to interview…could’ve gone for hours cuz she’s got plenty to say. I’ll be posting the final product soon. Wednesday, we are doing the Sheila Hamilton interview—this will be another great one. I’m excited and hopeful that this show will be a difference maker.
with inspiration achiever, Shannon Monihan. It will be available to listen to very soon. I can’t wait!
Check out this Portland Business Journal article from November 2018 featuring my African art collection.
“The breadmaker, renowned for his public and private life, wants to bring African art to the masses.”
And intro for the new “Against the Grain” podcast, which will debut soon. I’ve got great guests lined up to talk about their struggles and successes with me. The first few won’t be live as we will be working out the kinks, but my goal is to do live shows with call-ins and spontaneity. I’m getting excited about this as we draw closer.
I had a great time and was honored to be asked as we met some great people and had killer conversation.I look like a midget in this group!
“Thank you Dave Dahl for sharing your story with the 80/20 Club last night. Your vision helped you overcome giant obstacles that would have burned most people. In the end, you succeeded and made a ton of dough baking Killer Bread and helped a lot of people get a “second chance” in life along the way.” – Stu Sandor
but not too many people have seen the extent that I’ve gone to. If you go to the Dave Dahl Collection page, you can see not only the Penthouse show, but also, six views of my warehouse and showroom in Eagle Creek, OR. Visitors are welcome!
Follow this link to the collection: