Second Chances | Recovery Radio

Someone once said  there are no second acts in Americans lives, meaning there are no second chances. Dave Dahl is proof that this pessimism is often very wrong. There are indeed second chances and Dave joins us with his remarkable story of mental illness, substance abuse, crime and punishment and how, given his second chance, he turned his life around. Dave Dahl, the creator of “Dave’s Killer Bread” joins us on this edition of Recovery Radio. Content Provided by Retreat Behavioral Health.

I really enjoyed guesting on this local podcast, Right At The Fork, with Chris Angelus. We get pretty deep. It was pretty long, so it’s being released in two parts.

Bend Venture Conference 2019

Recent interview with my buddy Robert Ricciardelli at Bend Venture Conference. A lot has happened since we first met and he interviewed me in 2011. I was on my way to visit Rob one night November of 2013, but I was having a manic breakdown and we never made it. Instead, a tragic encounter with police changed everything forever.
That night not only marked the end of my involvement with the brand I created, but forced a hard restart of my life overall. Fortunately, I had overcome before, and so I was able to find my way once again.
Thanks for your friendship, Rob.

Rediscover This Day!

My favorite charity, Constructing Hope, one that has incredible potential to do good. They already do a TON of good but they will one day be able to do much, much more. Please check them out, and support them if your heart is moved.

Hello world!!

Packing up for a couple of days in beautiful Bend, OR to participate in the Bend Venture Conference along with my little buddy Robert Ricciardelli. He and I go back a ways to around 2011 or 2012 when we did our first public interview—now he’s interviewing me again…and there is a lot to talk about!